Cinni Design Antique Victorian Style review

Cinni Design Antique Victorian Style

Our rating:
 5/10 from 2 reviewers.

Stylish Antique design
Aerodynamic Three Blade Design, Air displacement more than 4 or 5 blade models
Alumunium cast body , 36 pole heavy duty motor , Double sealed bearings
Fully Aluminium cast Body with Hand polished Solid Teakwood blades
Double Ball sealed bearing for silent operation/Moisture and Dust protected bearing
motor with teak wood blade
Full Chrome Electroplating
Three Speed switch/Comply with Remote control
Canopy design suitable for flat and raked ceilings
Light adaptible (See our Fan lighting accessories page)
Reversible Air Flow for Summer/winter Operation
Available in 1200mm, 1400mm
Available Design:
Full Chrome with Teakwood Blades
Black Motor with Teakwood Blades

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