Euroflex SC35 Monster review

Euroflex SC35 Monster

Our rating:
 7.7/10 from 3 reviewers.

Monster Premium (SC35) is an advanced steam cleaner which is ideal for the larger home or family, thanks to its generous 1500ml boiler, which can be used for up to 50 minutes before refilling is required. This model is made to deliver cleaning performance similar to the commercial steam cleaners from which it was designed. The internal construction allows for better control over the release of steam from the boiler and there is less variability in steam pressure while in use. The Monster Premium is more user friendly, it features a control panel which indicates when the Monster Premium is ready to use and when it requires refilling. Its advanced design allows for the steam cleaning hose to be detached from the unit and an optional iron to the added. This "2-in-1" model not only cleans, but it can be converted into a steam ironing station by attaching the optional iron accessory. Not only does the detachable cleaning hose make for easier storage, the iron cuts down on your ironing time and allows you to iron like the professionals. Truly an advanced steam cleaner.
Medium to large size homes
Households with 3 or more people
Medium to large areas or cleaning jobs
Steam ironing

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