Numatic PVT220A - vacuum cleaner x1 review

Numatic PVT220A - vacuum cleaner x1

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.


The Numatic PVT200A  is a completely new approach to improved cleaning for you and your team. The provision of an “on-board” drop-on / lift-off caddy provides somewhere to keep essential items such as spray cleaner, dusters and cloths.
The Numatic PVT200A has enhanced power and performance from a TwinFlo vacuum motor is fully complemented by the new NST Sound Reduction and AutoSave energy conservation systems. 
HepaFlo filtration not only raises performance standards but provides for clean and convenient emptying when full. 
The AutoSave system automatically starts in the economy, energy conservation mode, immediately reducing your power requirements by half, exactly the same as switching off 10 x 60W light bulbs! If more power is needed, one push of the Hi switch gives you twice as much power. A second push of the switch will automatically return to economy mode again. Simple green technology and yours to command. 
A face is supplied separately for optional user application.

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