Est?e Lauder Sparkling Clean review

Est?e Lauder Sparkling Clean

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The Sparkling Clean trio was created to address the special needs of oily skin. Each has a highly effective combination of oil-controlling ingredients plus a purifying botanical blend and a unique hydrating complex. Skin feels “squeaky clean” but isn’t stripped of vital moisture.Product Range:
Sparkling Clean Mattifying Oil-Control Lotion - Refreshing mattifying lotion instantly refines and purifies, controls oil for hours.
Sparkling Clean Oil-Control Foaming Gel Cleanser - Fresh citrusy gel surges into an exhilarating lather that controls oil without stripping.
Sparkling Clean Purifying Mud Foam Cleanser - Refreshing natural mud cleanser bursts into a deep-cleansing purifying lather.

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