Nature's Own Menopause Black Cohosh Complex review

Nature's Own  Menopause Black Cohosh Complex

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Natural Nutrition Women’s Health products are specifically formulated to support the health needs of women in every phase of life.Menopause begins for most women after the age of 40, and may bring with it a range of uncomfortable symptoms. Menopause also signals an increased risk of bone-thinning, or osteoporosis, as hormonal changes affect the uptake and retention of calcium. This formula contains black cohosh, the leading herb for the relief of menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh has been used traditionally by native American women as a female tonic and for the relief of pain, and in recent years, clinical trials have proven the benefits of this traditional knowledge. It is now understood that black cohosh relieves hot flushes, nervous tension, muscular aches and other symptoms of menopause. This formula contains soy isoflavones, which help promote menopausal bone health and vitamin D3 which may assist in the absorption of calcium and is therefore essential for bone development.

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