Nicabate Pre-Quit Patches review

Nicabate Pre-Quit Patches

Our rating:
 9.5/10 from 2 reviewers.

Giving up all your cigarettes at once is really hard. Ease into quitting with Nicabate PRE-QUIT.
Nicabate PRE-QUIT combined with the Nicabate patch 10-week step down program doubles your chance of success versus abrupt quit with patch.
Nicabate PRE-QUIT is a therapeutic nicotine patch for use two weeks prior to your quit day, with Nicabate PRE-QUIT you can continue to smoke but will find that the urge to smoke is decreased - due to the therapeuic nicotine in Nicabate PRE-QUIT.
With Nicabate PRE-QUIT you can ease off smoking gradually until your quit day.

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