Herron Multi Vitamin review

Herron Multi Vitamin

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

In an ideal world we would all receive the vitamins and minerals we need from our dietary intake.  We wouldn’t need to rely on foods that have been grown using pesticides and other chemicals then stored for long periods of time.  We wouldn’t be subjected to environmental pollution that generates free radicals.  We wouldn’t smoke or be subjected to smoky surrounds.  We wouldn’t need to use drug medications like laxatives and antibiotics that rob the body of vital nutrients.  We wouldn’t place extra demand on our bodies (e.g. work load, exercise etc) and reduce the stores of nutrients more than we could compensate by eating more of the right foods on that day. Unfortunately for most of us, we don’t live in this Utopia. We are living longer due to the advancements of medicine and technology, but as we age, our ability to absorb and utilise nutrients from our food decreases.  Significant worldwide research published in leading peer reviewed journals now supports the use of multi-vitamin and mineral supplements on the basis that their findings indicate most people do not obtain an optimal amount of vitamins from their diet alone.The Multi-Vitamin and Mineral formulation is an effective, well-balanced, high potency formulation containing key vitamins and minerals to assist in maintaining general well-being and for times of increased dietary demand.

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