Herron Daily Fruits and Berries review

Herron Daily Fruits and Berries

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Quite simply, HERRON Daily Fruits & Berries is an all natural supplement designed to complement dietary intake. It's about helping you top up your intake in an easy and convenient way.

Fruits & berries play a vital role in optimum health. So much so, the Australian government suggests we all eat a minimum of two serves each day to contribute to good health.

Made from 100% natural whole foods juice, HERRON Daily Fruits & Berries combine 12 different fruits and berries and concentrates them into an easy to swallow capsule to assist in the maintenance of general health and well being.

Fruits and berries contain protective antioxidants. HERRON Daily Fruits & Berries capsules have been ORAC tested to determine their antioxidant capacity. Antioxidants have the ability to scavenge & neutralise free radicals, protecting the cells in the body from oxidisation.

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