First Response Pregnancy Planning Kit review

First Response Pregnancy Planning Kit

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Maximise your chances of becoming pregnant.Predict your 2 most fertile days in the month.
The First Response Ovulation Predictor Test detects the LH surge, which precedes ovulation by 24-36 hours. Your two most fertile days begin with the LH surge. If you have intercourse within the next 24-36 hours, you will maximise your chances of becoming pregnant. There is no need to wait until you ovulate before having intercourse.
Simple just hold the test in your urine for 10 seconds only
Fast read result in five minutes
Easy to read results
Accurate more than 98% accurate†
Convenient test any time of the day
The First Response Pregnancy Planning Kit comes with a First Response Early Result Instream Pregnancy test.

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