Nature's Way Easy Fibre + Calcium review

Nature's Way Easy Fibre + Calcium

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Calcium is an essential mineral needed for building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. If your diet is lacking in calcium then Easy Fibre + Calcium can boost your intake of calcium and help you get the calcium you need Easy Fibre is an all natural fibre sourced from vegetables. Getting enough fibre in your diet can be hard but Easy Fibre gives you a great tasting solution to boost your fibre intake.Fibre packed Just 2 tablets provide more fibre than a glass of the market leading fibre.On the go Easy Fibre is convenient and can be taken with you wherever you go.Easy to take No water, no mixing. Just pop 2 and chew to boost your fibre intake.Chewable Great tasting strawberry flavour.Boosted with calcium helps build & maintain strong bones and is essential throughout life.

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