Venotrex review


Our rating:
 7.5/10 from 2 reviewers.

Venotrex® - may assist in the management of varicose and spider veins whilst maintaing vein health.
Scientific and clinical research has shown that Venotrex®, which contains horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) seed extract (HCSE), may assist in the management of varicose and spider veins whilst maintaing vein health.
Poor vein health can lead to spider veins, varicose veins and haemorrhoids. These symptoms may arise when the non-return valves throughout the body's circulatory system become less efficient or are damaged. This prevents the blood being returned properly from peripheral tissues, particularly in the lower body and legs. Oedema may also arise due to poor circulation and vein health.

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