PPS D Fuse review

PPS D Fuse

Our rating:
 7/10 from 2 reviewers.

If its damage control and manageability you are after, look no further than D Fuse, a luxury compact range that cares for damaged, porous and chemically worn out hair. Hair responds to the luxury ingredients and refuses to lie down and look dead. The simplicity of this range delivers maximum conditioning with easy maintenance.A luxury blend of Oat Meal Proteins, Henna Vegetable Paste and the Aroma-Nutrients of Chamomile, Lavender and Patchouli are combined together to nourish and replenish porous, over treated hair, maximising shine and infusing cationic conditioning properties.The D Fuse products will d-stress and d-tangle chemically tortured hair, strengthening, sealing and protecting the hair structure against further damage. The Aroma-Nutrients enhance condition for softness, shine and maximum hair replenishment.Product Range:
Menz the Enz
Mask Treatment

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