Boss Soul review

Boss Soul

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Creating a fragrance is like playing a game. To win you have to choose your notes carefully. To embody the character of a 'soul seducer' in a scent, the contrasting characteristics of light and dark were put into play.Top NoteFresher scents which evaporate at the quickest rate, a high percentage disappearing after a few minutes.Bergamot, Mandarin, Black pepper, Star Anise, Cardamom OilHeart NoteSweeter, warmer scents which tend to linger longer than the top note.Mace, Lavender, Coriander Seeds, CinnamonBase NoteDryer, spicier scents which take the longest to evaporate and so can sometimes last all day. Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cedar Wood, mossy-like scents, vanilla-like notes, amber-like notes, musk-like notes.

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