Paradigm T5000 review

Paradigm T5000

Our rating:
 9/10 from 2 reviewers.

Maximise your workout with the stunning Paradigm T5000 treadmill. A 15% incline and 1.75 horse power motor enables you to ramp up resistance with speeds up to 16 km per hour.
Never get bored with a choice of 6 pre-set programs or your own customised program. The large LCD display shows vital stats at a glance.
Plug in your iPod or MP3 player to listen to music through built in speakers on the console.
1.75HP - 16km/h driving motor
15% Incline
One big blue LCD console - displays time, speed, distance, calories, pulse incline
450x1250mm Running Surface
7 programs: 3 fat blast, 3 endurance and 1 user
Attractive design for home
4 wheels for easy movement
Size: 1780x800x1220mm
Unit weight: 68kg
Max user weight 110kg

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