Polar RS300X / RS300X G1 / RS300X sd review

Polar RS300X / RS300X G1 / RS300X sd

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Polar RS300XFor recreational athletesGet all the essential heart rate features with this good-looking and simple-to-use training computer. RS300X is compatible with S1 foot pod and G1 GPS sensor, so you can combine heart rate with speed and distance. Only then you can truly make sense of your training and be sure it's worth all the effort. Polar RS300X sdFor enthusiast runnersYou want to go for a run and know how speed and distance can aid your performance. Without heart rate, you can only get so far. The RS300X combines these three to give you a true understanding of the effort you put in. And on top, all the essential heart rate features come along RS300X, on the run and online.

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