Lemond RevMaster Pro review

Lemond RevMaster Pro

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The next generation LeMond RevMaster offers you some great upgrades to the classic model. For maximum riding comfort, the new narrower crank design replicates the geometry of a great road bike. New Cam handles and increased adjustment ranges to seat and handlebars create the best custom fit available and gives you greater muscle involvement.
The 4-way microfit also lets you cycle in an upright position or pedal stretched out and low, which is ideal for triathletes. Improved corrosion resistance by using electroless nickel plating and a new 2 piece bottom bracket cartridge make the RevMaster Pro even easier to maintain and service - with most components pre-assembled.
Next Generation X-Frame (Gives you a better ride and allows easy access to adjustments)
Cam Handles (Comfortable and easy to use)
More Adjustment Ranges (Allows a better fit with more comfort)
Improved Corrosion Resistence
Fender With Integrated Brake Assembly (Provides improved braking)
Belt (The RevMaster uses a smooth Kevlar belt instead of a chain)
Brake and Resistence (Designed for ease of use, the resistance knob adjusts easily)
Easy to switch seat options

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