Toshiba 15DLV76 review

Toshiba 15DLV76

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

15" LCDVD™ Combination Television with a built in Slot loaded DVD
Player, Colorstream® Component Input, and more. Click here for a larger

LCDDVD™ is a flat panel LCD TV with a built in DVD Player. TOSHIBA is
leading the way with this ultimate convenience category. Start with the
space savings of a modern flat screen TV, and then add a hidden DVD player,
and a single remote control and you have the next wave of television

Tucked away neatly, the Built-in Slot Loaded DVD Player display and many
like it in the TOSHIBA line-up supports a fully functional built-in DVD
player. No need to run extra cables to the TV, or fumble around looking for
the remote. TOSHIBA has made it all possible in one package.

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