Toshiba 20AF42 review

Toshiba 20AF42

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.


20-inch FST Pure™ Flat TV with 525 lines of resolution and ColorStream®
Component Video Input.

FST Pure™ CRT features a flat-glass viewing surface, which lets you see
more picture from a greater range of angles, with less light reflection
compared to a traditional radius CRT.

ColorStream™ Component Video Inputs allow the base broadcast signals to
be displayed individually without being processed, which results in better
picture quality and stunning colour reproduction.

3-Line Digital Comb Filter separates the overlapping Y (brightness) and C
(colour) broadcast signals, which prevents colour smudging and vibrating
edges, and ensures sharp detail.

BBE Audio Enhancement provides crisper, more accurate sound by adjusting
the low, mid, and high frequencies

Stable Sound allows you to maintain a consistent sound volume when the
program changes to different material, such as a commercial.

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