Toshiba 32AFX61 review

Toshiba 32AFX61

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.




32-inch FST Pure™ Flat TV with 880 lines of resolution, 2 Tuner PIP and
ColorStream® Component Video Input.

Cyclone® Sound System includes specially tuned and ported left and right
speakers, and a built-in sub-woofer for rich, full bass.

Dynamic Quadruple Focus provides superior detail focus and increased
picture performance for large-screen and flat picture tubes.

3D Y/C Digital Comb Filter separates the overlapping Y (brightness) and C
(colour) broadcast signals, which prevents colour smudging and vibrating
edges, and ensures sharp detail.

FST Pure™ CRT features a flat-glass viewing surface, which lets you see
more picture from a greater range of angles, with less light reflection
compared to a traditional radius CRT.

INVAR Shadow Mask creates a uniform image in the corners and edges of the
screen on large-screen and FST Pure™ picture tubes.

Direct Input Selection allows you to directly and conveniently select the
input you wish to view.

Individual Video Memory stores all the picture settings for each video

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