Toshiba P27LSA review

Toshiba P27LSA

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Today more than ever, visual communications require multifunctional,
dependable, visually striking displays. Fortunately, TOSHIBA ’s
P27LSA is more than up for the challenge. Its superior image quality shows
off high-bright, high-contrast images that are viewable at any angle.
High-resolution panel with digital and analog inputs while the most
rigorous specifications are handled with ease. And installation is a snap
with any UL-apprived VESA standard wall or ceiling mount. Click here for a
larger image.

No Temporary Image Retention

PDMS (Display Power Management System)

High Resolution, HDTV Ready

High Speed video respone - 16 ms

VESA mount compatible

Wide off-axis viewing angles

60,000 hour back light life span

3 year full-replacement warranty* *may vary outside of Canada

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