Sony KDL-46NX800 review

Sony KDL-46NX800

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Sony’s KDL46NX800 46” BRAVIA NX800 Series LCD TV with Edge LED
Backlight, Motionflow 240Hz, and built-in Wi-Fi connectivity.

A Picture of Beauty - Enjoy Full HD 1080p picture quality, premium contrast
and energy-savings with the sleek and slim Edge LED backlit BRAVIA® NX800
Series LCD TV. Features an innovative six degree tilt for improved viewing
at a lower angle. Also includes powerful motion performance technology and
built-in Wi-Fi® connectivity for convenient access to your favourite
entertainment apps including movies, TV shows, videos, music and more.

Beautifully Slim - Featuring an Edge Lit LED backlight, the super-thin
BRAVIA NX800 is engineered to deliver unbelievable blacks and brilliant
whites. Additionally, this LCD TV boasts a gorgeous monolithic design,
which will leave you wondering if the view is nicer with the TV on or off.

Incredible Full HD Picture Quality - From the moment you turn on the NX800,
you’ll notice a sharper, more vibrant picture. With BRAVIA Engine™
3 fully digital video processor, this TV produces breathtaking picture
quality with reduced visual noise, enhanced colour and overall image detail
even on 1080p sources such as PlayStation®3 systems and Blu-ray Disc™

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