Samsung S22A460 review

Samsung S22A460

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Clear your desk with Samsung’s Cable Arrangement A tidy and clean
workspace is paramount when it comes to showing professionalism at work.
That’s why the Samsung LED Business Monitor SA450 comes with a Cable
Arrangement. It conveniently organises the cables coming from the monitor
into a simple bundle along the stand and helps minimise clutter around the
screen. With the Samsung LED Business Monitor SA450, you can finally enjoy
a neat workspace, where annoying cables are kept out of sight.

Upgrade to the next level with Mega Dynamic Contrast Experience amazing new
levels of colour, brilliance and picture quality through the very latest in
Mega Dynamic Contrast Ratio. The Samsung LED Business monitor SA450
delivers images so real-to-life that it will transform your whole viewing
experience. Packed with breathtaking 5000000 : 1 contrast ratio, the
highest level currently available, the SA450 ensures that blacks are at
their absolute darkest and (with pristine whites) colours are at their
brightest. You will immediately notice the crystal clear picture and its
unbelievable intensity. It is like an explosion of colours and leaves other
screens seeming dull in comparison.

A monitor design to match business needs The Samsung LED Business Monitor
SA450 has been designed to enhance work conditions and efficiency.
Featuring Front Tactile Buttons, the SA450 minimises costly errors found
with high usage, which is a common problem with touch type button monitors.
Furthermore, with its smarter design, users can still access these buttons
when wall mounted, which can be an issue when monitors feature side panel
buttons. Adding to the visual experience, the SA450 features a Narrow Matt
Bezel. This reduces distraction around display area and delivers an
experience that is immersive and engaging.

Magic Angle Vertical delivers perfection every time The Samsung LED
Business monitor SA450 feature the Magic Angle Vertical to deliver a
picture-perfect screen even when not viewed from directly in front. This
means that you can watch your monitor sitting down, standing up or lying on
the couch and still enjoy a great view. And with 20 different angle steps
(10 up and 10 down) you will always have a choice to match your position.
So, when watching with Magic Angle Vertical, which is even also specialised
for LED Business monitor, it feels like you’re always standing right in
front of the screen… even if you aren’t.

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