Samsung TC240 review

Samsung TC240

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Samsung SyncMaster TC240 (24 inches) offer an ideal basis for future
data processing. The TC240 has the thin client hardware built right into
the display and is thus a particularly space-saving alternative to
traditional thin-client solutions. Due to the significantly lower power
consumption saves compared to traditional PCs a thin client infrastructure
is not only the environment but also the budget. In addition, thin clients
provide server-based infrastructure, thanks to a much higher security
against external attacks, as applications are installed, etc. only
centrally on server (s) - and not in every workplace -.

Saving money for you and your customers By eliminating the expense of
individual software licenses and personnel support for every workstation,
Samsung Thin Client solutions are cost-effective to install and easier for
your IT department to manage. Software and data can be installed, managed,
and updated on the central server and then distributed across the entire
Samsung Thin Client network, enabling each and every workstation to be
managed and maintained for a fraction of the cost of a PC-based system.

Easier management, easier maintenance For education purposes, a central
server system is not only cost-effective to maintain due to lower software
outlay, but it allows the system administrator to control, manage, and
update the entire system from one location, making his or her job a lot
easier. Because the IT administrator can dedicate their time working on the
central server, time and money is saved, making the system easier to manage
and maintain.

Security you can trust The security offered by a Thin Client network is
second-to-none. With important confidential data stored on the central
server, the system is efficiently secured against viruses, hacks, and
Internet attacks, thereby providing you with a cost- effective system that
makes you and your customers feel fully protected at all times.

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


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