Samsung S27A550 review

Samsung S27A550

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Brilliant colours and amazing picture clarity just aren’t enough these
days. The Samsung SA550 LED monitor recognises today’s real needs and has
introduced several new energy saving modes that let you enjoy the best
visual experience while also conserving energy. With a host of Eco
features, including the automatic Eco light sensor and the Eco motion
sensor, reducing your footprint has never been so easy. The Eco motion
sensor automatically turns your monitor off / on so that it is ever
unnecessarily left on, the Eco light sensor automatically optimises your
screen brightness for visibility and energy savings. Add to this the
Samsung Magic features for unbelievable picture clarity, and you have a
monitor that is loaded with huge potential and ready to transform the way
you watch content.

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