LG GR-389RT review


Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

LG’s GR-349R bottom freezer refrigerator has multi-air flow cooling ,
which ensures an equal amount of chilled air reaches each shelf for quick
and uniform cooling. With the quick freeze door so small fruits like
strawberries and vegetables will freeze much faster.

Multi-Air Flow Cooling

Quick Freeze Drawer

Electronic Temperature Controls

Quick Freeze Drawer- Press the "Quick Freeze" button to operate.
Small fruits like strawberries and vegetables will freeze much faster.
ADVANTAGE: Quick-Frozen food keeps it’s original falvour with
long-term storage.

Electronic Temperature Controls- Ensure precise temperature settings with
separate refrigerator and freezer temperature controls. Located up front,
they’re easy to reach and adjust.

Multi-Air Flow Cooling- Multiple air vents along with deluxe shelving
ensure an equal amount of chilled air reaches each shelf for quick and
uniform cooling.

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