Samsung SMH1611 review

Samsung SMH1611

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Samsung SMH1611 Over-The-Range Microwave offers advanced features that
really put time back on your side. It features a powerful 180 CFM Auto Vent
for eliminating odours, advanced Auto Defrost, and spacious 1.6 cu. ft.
capacity. Offering 1000 W of cooking power, everything is cooked to
perfection with its sleek, easy to clean finish and so many logical
operating features, including Child Lock and low standby power usage,
it’s a must-have addition that’s welcome in any gourmet kitchen.

Two - Stage Programmable Cooking Vital time-saving function, that allows
you to easily program initial defrost plus a corresponding two step recipe
for food simultaneously.

Eco Mode Save up to 80% of standby energy by pressing the convenient Eco
button located on the display.

More / Less Time Adjust Adjusts the cooking time for any of the instant
cook pad selections. While the oven is cooking, more / less automatically
adds or subtracts time from the instant cook selection.

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