LaCie LaCinema Black PLAY review

LaCie LaCinema Black PLAY

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The LaCinema Black PLAY lets you enjoy all of your media right on your
television screen. With a high capacity and a USB port for expansion,
you’re offered near-limitless storage for your movies, photos, and music.
Create photo slideshows for your family and friends, play your music when
you want it, or view HD movies any time: the possibilities are endless. A
built-in UPnP client player ensures that you can connect it to a networked
computer, and you’ll be able to load, watch, and enjoy all of your
photos, music, and movies—regardless of where they’re located. The
LaCinema Black PLAY’s multi-use design helps it go beyond normal
multimedia hard disks. With its 1080i upscaling, you can watch your home
movies in flawless definition, ensuring that your memories will last a

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