LG WM1355HR review


Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

As a leader in smart technology and stylish design, LG introduces a new
24” compact washer. Perfect for apartments, condos or small spaces.

Sanitary Cycle

Intelligent Electronic Controls with Dual LED Display and Dial-A-Cycle™

LoDecibel™ Quiet Operation

Super clean- Some stains are so nasty it’s hard to imagine how they’ll
ever come out. Our NSF-certified

Intelligent Electronic Controls with Dual LED Display and Dial-A-Cycle™-
Let us take the guesswork out of doing the laundry. The intuitive

Keep it quiet- There’s no need for laundry to be noisy. Thanks to

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Example: This is excellent! I like it!


Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


Example: Very high price and costly options

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