Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S review

Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Professional, fast aperture, standard zoom lens with SWM for fast and quiet
Autofocus. Designed for digital, this lens rivals that of fixed focal
length lenses for edge to corner sharpness, and features a Nano Crystal
coating to minimize ghost and flare.

24-70mm zoom range (DX equivalent: 36-105mm).

Nano Crystal coat reduces ghost and flare.

Slim, durable and lightweight barrel.

SWM (Silent Wave Motor) for whisper quiet and fast autofocus.

ED glass to minimize chromatic aberration.

Closest focusing distance: 0.38 m (at 50 mm).

Rubber mount seal.

Instant manual focus override (M/A).

Detachable hood and soft pouch CL-M3 included.

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