Onkyo DS-A3 review

Onkyo DS-A3

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

iPod touch (1st and 2nd generations)

iPod classic

4th Generation iPod with Click Wheel (Latest Software Version)

5th Generation iPod with Video (Latest Software Version)

iPod photo (Latest Software Version)

iPod mini (Latest Software Version)

iPod nano (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations)

1st, 2nd and 3rd gen iPod

iPod Cradle for any audio components and systems through RCA connections

RI controllable with most Onkyo systems using your Onkyo remote

iPod charging function

Built-in Onscreen graphics generator to display Playlist Information
(Artist, Album, Song, Genre, Composer)

Remote control included

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


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