Logitech X-240 review

Logitech X-240

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Integrated stowaway cradle You slide out the cradle on the control pod to
charge, sync, or play your digital music player.

Control pod Volume, power, and your headphone jack are right at your

Stereo headphone jack When you want to listen privately, you just plug in
your headphones.

Sleek speakers You’ll enjoy full sound from the high-excursion drivers.
Watt? Learn more about audio terminology and what it means for you.

Real-time bass equalization Equalization gives you more bass response with
less distortion.

Ported, down-firing subwoofer "Your music, movies, and games come to
life with the 4-inch down-firing subwoofer. Satellite? Subwoofer? So what?
Learn more.

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