Sony RM-VL610 review

Sony RM-VL610

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.

Sony’s RMVL610 Remote Commander with Learning Function and 3 colourful
interchangeable back panels - Silver, Red and Gold.

Controls up to 8 Components - Combine the power of all of your home
entertainment remotes into one easy to use remote.

Pre-programmed and learning capable - Setup is easy. Most leading brands
are included on the pre-programmed list but even if it’s not, you can use
your existing remote to program the RMVL610.

Up to 12 Macro functions - Macros allow you to preprogram a series of steps
into your remote to make operation of your components even easier. For
example you could set up a macro to turn on your TV to the proper input,
turn on your DVD or Blu-ray Disc™ player, turn on your surround sound AMP
and select the correct input all with one button.

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