Nespresso Romeo E350 review

Nespresso Romeo E350

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

High pressure pump: 19 bars

Thermoblock system

Programmable and automatic water measurement

Used capsules receptacle

Full capsule container indicator

Electronic control of the level in the water tank

Visual control of the water level in the drip tray

Automatic cooling of the steam nozzle after use

Insertion and ejection of the capsule entirely automatic

Multilingual display of functions

Cup warming-plate that can hold 5 Espresso cups

Removable steam nozzle for hot water and steam

Specific steam nozzle for Cappuccino-Caffelatte

Adjustment of the water hardness

Integrated descaling programme

Back-lit buttons

Polished aluminium and ABS housing

Removable water tank: 1.2 l

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