Krups XP 7245 review

Krups XP 7245

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

High quality Espresso and Cappuccino maker

Make your favourite drinks at the touch of a button (Espresso,
Cappuccino, and Latt?s)

Ultra compact, easy to use bean to cup system with integrated, multi
setting conical burr grinder for uniform results and quality flavour

15 bar high pressure pump for perfect aroma and flavour extraction Krups
Thermoblock technology for high speed, perfect temperature, fresh water for
every cup and reduced scaling

280g hermetically sealed transparent coffee bean hopper to store fresh
coffee beans

Auto ejection of coffee grounds

Programmable LCD graphic display control panel to personalise your choice
of coffee, also indicates any required maintenance

Automatic rinsing, cleaning and de-scaling program

Claris water filtration system for purer tasting coffee and reduced scaling
for longer machine life

Easy to use touch and turn dial

Make 2 cups of espresso/coffee at a time

Transparent 1. 8 litre removable water tank with carry handle

Produce 14 cups of espresso without having to re-fill water tank

3 adjustable water temperature levels

Cup warming tray

Removable drip tray with overflow indicator

Pull out maintenance instructions, easy step by step guidance for cleaning
and care

Auto on/off

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


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