Samsung SPF-71E review

Samsung SPF-71E

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The happiness encapsulated in a photograph of friends, family, and good
times is displayed to perfection by the SPF-71E digital photoframe. With 1
GB of internal memory and its unique features and style, it makes the most
beautiful memories become more memorable.

Various Clock function Use the photo frame as an emotional clock displayed
with your precious pictures.

1 GB internal memory 1 GB built-in memory allows you to store 3000 pictures
without buying additional memory in the photo frame (based on JPG picture
of 300 kb with 800 x 600 resolution). Save precious memories into photo
frame with 1 GB memory.

AutoTurn off / on AutoTurn off / on function can be scheduled to turn off /
on for power saving.

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