Nilfisk GD 111 review

Nilfisk GD 111

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Simple and Effective Nilfisk GD 111 is a truly innovative commercial vacuum
cleaner with an ergonomic design. Full consideration is given to the need
for low operating costs and high productivity. Ideal for offices, hotel
rooms and shops. A patented noise reduction system makes cleaning quieter
and reduces unpleasant high frequency sound waves. The Nilfisk GD 111 is
20% lighter than other vacuums in its class, has 20% greater suction power
and 8 litre dust bag filling. It produces optimum suction power without
sacrificing ergonomic considerations.

Noise reduction system allows for quiet cleaning at any time of the day

Optimal suction power

Its 4,7 kg, large rear wheels and rotating front wheels make it light and
easy to manouvre

Robust chassis made of recyclable polypropylene and ABS

Motor pre filter protection against dust deposition on fan units

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