Dyson DC22 review

Dyson DC22

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Dyson DC22 Motorhead is a canister vacuum powered by the Dyson digital
motor. 1/3 smaller than a full-size Dyson machine, but with no compromise
on pick-up.

Dyson digital motor - Smaller, lighter and more powerful than conventional
motors. Zero carbon emissions.

Level 3 Root Cyclone™ technology - The most efficient cyclone technology
for capturing microscopic dust.

Certified asthma & allergy friendly™ - The DC22 is certified asthma
and allergy friendly™ by the Asthma Society of Canada™

Captures allergens. Expels cleaner air. - Dyson cyclones can capture
particles down to 0.5 microns – including pollen, mold and bacteria.

Hygienic and quick to empty - Minimizes risk of contact with dirt.

Motorized brush bar - An independent motor in the cleaner head spins the
brush bar 4,500 times a minute, removing more dirt from carpets.

Telescope Wrap™ system - Wand and hose compress and wrap for easy
carrying and storage.

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