Hoover S3670 review

Hoover S3670

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Power Nozzle with Patented WindTunnel™ Technology to lift and remove the
hidden, deep down dirt that other vacuums leave behind

Variable Speed Controls with Illuminated LEDs so you can control the
suction power depending on the cleaning task

Telescopic Wand with Quick Disconnect - Wand adjusts easily to desired
height. Quick Disconnect feature allows you to change from nozzle to tools

HEPA Media Bag traps 99.97% of dust and pollens

Automatic Cord Rewind with 25’ cord

Fingertip On/Off Controls

7’ hose

Ultra Smooth Casters for superior maneuverability

Electronic Full Bag Indicator

On-Board Tool Kit

360° Hose Swivel

Hard Floor Brush and Powered Hand Tool

Edge Cleaning Bristles

3 Year Warranty

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