Sharp EL-9900C review

Sharp EL-9900C

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Innovative LCD graphing calculator with a 2-sided reversible keyboard, a
large LCD display and a unique multi-line Equation Editor.

Reversible Keyboard - Supports junior high, high school and beyond.

Large Display - 8 line x 22 character LCD display (132 x 64 pixels).

Tool Key - Solves second and third degree polynomial equations.

Logic - D.A.L. (Direct Algebraic Logic).

Advanced Functions - Are accessible via pull-down menus.

Equation Editor - Shows equations exactly as they appear.

Solver Key - Allows you to solve equations both numerically and

Additional Features - Include 64KB RAM, mixed fraction entry and output,
split screen option, multiple slide shows, communications port and
protective hard cover.

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