Rabbids Go Home review

Rabbids Go Home

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Bwaah…Been there. Done that. Invaded Earth. Partied hardy… Now, it’s
time for an ADVENTURE….

To the Moon or Bust! : Absurd & hilarious storyline that could only
come from the Rabbids universe. Control two Rabbids and their shopping cart
and collect varying sizes of human stuff to build a sky-high pile of junk
in their quest to reach the moon.

Use the Wii Remote: Gobble up Rabbids inside your Wii Remote and customize
your very own Rabbid avatars to play with instantaneously…in-game!

Over 40 Missions and 15 Environments in a World Full of Wackiness: Scour
through supermarkets, race across rooftops, jet past airports, and boost
through the Bayou while scaring the Humans right down to their undies –

Laugh Out Loud With a Friend in Co-op Mode : Have a friend help you
progress through the game thanks to both useful and hilarious
“Cannonball/Stunt Rabbid” gameplay.

Vibrant Animations: Encounter a cast of colorful, oddball characters and
explore a remarkable parody of the modern world as if you were living
inside an interactive cartoon!

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


Example: Very high price and costly options

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