Lexmark X2670 review

Lexmark X2670

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Lexmark™ X2670 All-in-One with great speed and performance.

(1) Printing in draft mode and excluding time to first page print. Visit
www.lexmark.com for details.

Start a copy job with 1-touch simplicity. Scanning is just as easy, with
advanced resolution for high-quality documents every time.

With print speeds up to 26 pages per minute black and 19 pages per minute
colour, you’ll wonder why you ever waited longer. (1)

Photos and graphics print with rich sharpness. Enjoy borderless printing in
all your favorite photo sizes up to 4800 x 1200 dpi.

Use the Lexmark web toolbar with Picnik™ photo editing and Scheduled
Print to print right the first time and get only the pages you want.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software allows you to easily scan hard
copy text documents into a soft copy format.

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