Toshiba D-R4 review

Toshiba D-R4

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

DVD Recorder with Super Multi-Drive, Chase TV, Easy Navi, and more. Click
here for a larger image.

Super Multi-Drive

Progressive Scan


JPEG Viewer

Chase TV

Pause Live TV

Multi-Brand Remote Control

Instant Replay

Commercial Skip

Easy Navi

36 Event/2 Month Programming

Picture Zoom * CD/CD-RW discs recorded by CD-DA method can be played back.
Some CD/CD-RW discs may be incompatible due to laser pick-up and disc
design. DVD-R discs recorded by DVD Video method can be played. Some DVD-R
discs may be incompatible due to laser pick-up and disc design. MP3 and
JPEG discs may be incompatible due to different recording format or
condition of disc.

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