Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed review

Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.

Next Level of Immersion – Unprecedented first-person racing realism puts
you right in the driver’s seat to experience in-cockpit vibrations,
realistic driver headmovements and the impact of every dizzying crash.

True Realistic Racing – SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED redefines the racing simulator
genre by delivering authentic and true-to-life, dynamic crash physics, plus
insanely detailed real-world cars, drivers and tracks.

Change the Game with Autolog - Take your game play further than ever before
with the revolutionary Autolog system that lets you connect and share
virtually every aspect of your racing career – status, pictures, videos
and more - online with your friends. Get new challenges based on your
friends’ in-game activity and amp up the competition both offline and

Amazing Career Depth and Variety – Choose the path that fits your own
personal racing style, unlock new experiences and challenge the world’s
best drivers in multiple disciplines while on your way to becoming the FIA
GT1 World and GT3 European Champions.

Customise for Show or Customise to Win! – Turn the world’s most elite
high-performance cars into something truly your own with almost limitless
options for customisation from engine to body, suspension and much more.

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Example: This is excellent! I like it!


Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


Example: Very high price and costly options

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