Sennheiser PC 30 review

Sennheiser PC 30

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The PC 30 is a starter headset with the most superior stereo sound in its
class, providing great value for money. Its the perfect tool for voice
recognition, internet telephony and all VoIP applications and even
listening to music via your PC/laptop. The stylish design and comfortable
fit make it an ideal choice for business or private use.

Starter headset with super stereo-acoustics, best-in-class and top value
for money

Speakers providing superior acoustics even for easy listening

Adjustable and pivotable microphone boom makes correct microphone
positioning easy and speech clearer

The noise-cancelling microphone provides for high speech clarity and voice
recognition by filtering out background noise

The simple plug n play solution enables effortless connection to PC or

Skype certified packaging includes 120 free minutes

2-year guarantee

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