Sennheiser MB 30 review

Sennheiser MB 30

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Classic and convenient headband headset for high quality mobile business

The MB30 is a premium, high-end headset for business professionals using
the mobile phone as primary communication tool demanding same sound
experience and high performance on-the-go as in the office.

Speaker and microphone characteristics optimized to mobile phone providing
superior sound acoustics

Convenient in-line push-to-talk button for easy take/end of calls and one
touch push for voice dialing

Cable length of 1.2 m with 90 degree plug specially caters for mobile phone

Noise Cancelling microphone blocks out a maximum of ambient noise, making
your voice easier to understand

ActiveGard hearing protection to safeguard against sudden sound peaks

Stylish titanium business color and design

2-year guarantee

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