Sennheiser SH350 review

Sennheiser SH350

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Over the head, binaural headset with large ear cups supplied with noise
cancelling microphone and Activegard protection technology.

An excellent professional headset, the SH 350 channels clear strong sound
to both ears for high concentration levels during conversations.

It is the stylish and high-quality solution for users who value extremely
high comfort and top speech quality in any professional situation.

ActiveGardTM safeguards the user from the effects of an acoustic burst

Independent double-sided headband adjustment for individually preferred
positions and maximum comfort

Self-adjusting ball-mounted speaker capsules allow perfect fitting to the

300° adjustable microphone boom allows the mic to be positioned exactly
for optimal speech clarity.

Teflon®* washer support increases positioning accuracy, stability and
ensure optimal durability.

Sound remains superb whether using the leatherette or foam ear pad.

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