Sennheiser UI 760 review

Sennheiser UI 760

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The UI 760 is the ideal headset interface box even to integrate a PC into
the system. UI 760 enables the user to conveniently switch between headset
and handset mode. The box maximizes userfriendliness when using a normal
headset The box is nicely designed in a discrete titanium look with silver
grey buttons.

Easily switch back and forth between handset and headset

The microphone mute allows the user to privately converse with others close

Easily switch back and forth between phone and PC

The volume control allows adjusting the signal during the call for personal

Three position switch and microphone sensitivity adjustment guarantees easy

Secures compliance with the Noise at work directive from EU with setup

ActiveGardTM safeguards the user from the effects of an acoustic burst

Compatible with almost every digital and analogue telephone for easy

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