Sony MDR-E818LP review

Sony MDR-E818LP

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Let your music bloom with these earbud headphones. They feature
high-quality 16mm driver units, neodymium magnets for powerful bass and
clear treble sound.

Silent Cap - virtually confines headphone sound to your ears only and helps
ensure that your music does not disturb others

Sony Acoustic Twin Turbo™ circuit - uses sound chamber and ducts for
improved efficiency; gets high sonic output from your portable stereo

New Design Housing - is sleek black and silver metallic for a new hi-tech

Neodymium Magnets - pack more magnetic energy per ounce than conventional
ferrite, samarium cobalt or aluminum magnets and produce powerful bass and
clear treble sound

Super-Light In-the-Ear Design - fits snugly yet comfortably and eliminates
the usual headband, so you can enjoy music while exercising, skating or

High Quality 16mm Driver Units - provide enhanced sound quality with deep
bass and clear treble and are small enough to fit inside your ear

PET Diaphragms - ensure high rigidity for minimum distortion, and low mass
for excellent high-frequency response

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