Aria V-6.2 review

Aria V-6.2

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Engineered to produce the most accurate live-performance sound, the V-6.2
home theater system transforms any environment into a live soundstage. (2)
V-6.2 Floorstanding Speakers (1) V-5.2-C Center Channel Speaker Add two
V-5.1 Bookshelf Speakers for a 7.1 home theater system Comprised of five
speakers – left and right main speakers, a center channel speaker, left
and right surround speakers and a subwoofer for deep-reaching bass – the
5.1 Energy home theater system will envelop you in high-performance sound.
By combining the Veritas speakers, listening experiences are transformed
into unforgettable, powerful and emotional moments. The true essence of
audiophile sound, this system offers movie and music aficionados the
ultimate in audio quality, lasting value and unrivalled design.
Instrumental to the home theater experience and responsible for nearly 70
percent of your favorite scripts and soundtracks, the V-5.2-C speaker helps
bring your esteemed movie collection to life. The V-6.2 puts a whole new
spin on home theater. Standing tall and proud, this speaker utilizes its
two-and-a-half-way design to perfection and produces highs, mids and lows
that sound too good to be true. Not only does it offer unrivalled sound
performance, but the sleek and sophisticated tower speaker conveys a
timeless beauty suitable for any d?cor. The V-S speaker instantly takes
you on-site for each and every high-speed car chase, enormous explosion and
anticipated fight scene – it makes your favorite movies feel that real.
No matter the action-packed blockbuster, its powerful performance will have
you on the edge of your seat for the duration of the film. They say never
judge a book by its cover, and the same motto applies to the V-SW10
subwoofer. It may look pretty, but this hard-hitter brings the heat for
maximum impact.

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