Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 review

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The fully-featured SR10 combines a punchy integrated stereo amplifier with an FM/AM RDS tuner. A completely discrete high power amplifier mated to a custom design low flux oversize toroidal transformer instantly reveal its audiophile pedigree – as will its sound – the first time you hear it. And adding to the already weighty specification is a front-mounted connection for your MP3 player or iPod plus a full remote for the perfect armchair experience.
85 Watts per channel
4 x rear mounted source inputs
FM/AM RDS tuner with 30 presets
1 x front input for iPod or MP3
Integrated phono stage for turntable connection
Twin speaker outputs
Full remote control

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